Saturday, February 24, 2007

Hall of Remembrance, Yad Vashem

Yad Vashem, Jerusalem

Atop a hill overlooking golden Jerusalem, Yad Vashem brings us face to face with the Holocaust and the millions who perished during the Nazi era in Europe. It is a profound and poignant place, both beautiful and terrible, lovingly created so that we never forget the unforgettable.

A stunning new museum, mostly underground, replaces the one I visited, presenting the story of the Shoah from a unique Jewish perspective, emphasizing the experiences of the individual victims through original artifacts, survivor testimonies and personal possessions. At the end of the museum’s historical narrative is the Hall of Names - a repository for the Pages of Testimony of millions of Holocaust victims - a memorial to those who perished.

A boxcar donated by the Polish government at Yad Vashem

Boxcars arrive at Auschwitz

In the new Hall of Names, Yad Vashem

Yitzhak Perlman returns to Cracow

Simon Srebnik returns to Chelmno